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Schedule Your Home Cleaning Online

Scheduling your home cleaning is as easy as completing the form below. If you have questions or would like to speak to someone before you schedule your cleaning, please do not hesitate to call us at (615) 208-9557. New customers, don’t forget to use one of our current promotions below!

Customizable Ongoing Cleaning

New clients get their first Ongoing Customizable Cleaning for only $99!

At Nashville Brighthouse, we tailor our Ongoing Customizable Home Cleaning Service to suit both your preferences and budget. Our schedule is designed to accommodate extra detailing or any specific tasks you may have in mind.

‘Rejuvenation’ Deep Cleaning

New clients get a FREE Deep Cleaning Upgrade with Ongoing Service!

Our Deep Cleaning Service is a comprehensive, day-long experience that covers every inch of your home. It allows us to familiarize ourselves with your space before kicking off our Ongoing Cleaning Service.

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